the midst of my past week, at least i can laugh at myself...
This Tuesday, I organized and took my 3rd graders on our first field trip. That morning 2 of the 4 teachers bailed on me for different reasons, leaving me and one other teacher with 70 eight year olds and a few parents. Needless to say, I was Ms. Heine-don't-mess-with-me-today strict. While on the school bus on the way back, it starts downpoaring - the windows down. Kids screaming. Me - the only teacher on the bus - trying to get them to calm down and put up the windows - something their little hands can't do by themselves. Meanwhile, one of my more difficult students, decides he wants to keep standing up - an huge no-no. Coming up the isle, I stop at him and shook my finger, saying "if you stand up one more time..." - meanwhile, the bus driver decides to turn the corner.
it was like in slow motion...
...i lost my footing...
...still tried to keep my stern/angry face...
...but just couldn't recover...
...and completely fall into the lap of the innocent kid across the isle!!
My troublemaker just looks at me not knowing how to respond, and just gives this huge wry grin. The whole bus, including the parents, I'm sure, was now looking at me. I couldn't keep it together and just bust out laughing.
This is why you don't stand up on the bus.
I was always taught to lead through example, right?
i do have some of the greatest/cutest kids. it makes my job worth it. sometimes i still can't believe that i am old enough to be doing this.

(bottom)These are all the 3rd graders I was put in charge of. That's me in the top right corner. :)