Thanksgiving was eventful. My falling asleep at 9pm last night on the couch and not even remembering Matt ushering me to bed might be a good clue to how I need a vacation from my vacation!
We spent a good couple days in the very cold state of Oklahoma (well compared to Houston, it was frigid!). We baked, watched some good "25 days of Christmas movies", hot tubbed, enjoyed a wonderful meal.
Then we headed to Keller. This is where all plans when awry.
1) Watched some Aggie football. My mom had graciously recorded it for us since we were driving back while it was on, but didn't tape the last 5 minutes of the game...and it was actually a good game! At least we caught the highlights afterwards.
2) Friday the girls went shopping. I did buy some awesome boots for like 60% off! That was a perk. But the boys were supposed to meet up with us for lunch a couple hours in. What my mom didn't know was that while she thought they were watching football...they were actually installing her new dishwasher that we all chipped in for her for Christmas. She hasn't had a working one in about 6 months. Their couple hour project - took closer to 5-6 hours!! Not their fault, just a series of unfortunate events. So no lunch or coffee or shopping for the boys...but we did get back just in time to eat dinner with them. At least it's in and working now!

3) Saturday morning we planned on picking up a piano that my grandparents were passing down to Matt & I. It's very special and sentimental, but if you've ever tried to move a piano - it's ridiculously heavy and awkward. We recruited the new brother-in-laws to help us out before the Heine Thanksgiving meal and go get it. We headed 30-45 minutes towards Dallas to pick up the Uhaul trailer. Well, we get there and the only one they have it all beat up and not suitable to drive a piano all the way to Houston. We were there over an hour arguing with the people, before they sent us to south Dallas (another 30 min away) to get another trailor. We wait in line forever... I was seriously about to jump the next Uhaul worker that even looked at me - I was so livid. Then they didn't even have our reservation that the lady at the other one had just made!! Well, by that time it's already noon...we had left the house at 9am...we were supposed to eat at 1:30 and we hadn't even tried to load the piano yet or get it home. The task was just not working out for us. We gave it up. Canceled our reservation. Called it a loss. Drove the hour home. Sad day. Frustrating. Oh well...better luck next time. I hope.
4) Sunday we headed home. Not having a lot of family time over the couple days. But thankfully we'll be back in a few weeks.
A better note...On our way we saw a dad and 2 little kids on the side of the road with a blowout tire. Matt and I decided to flip back around and help them out. The poor kids looked scared to death standing on the side of the road. I had never done that (b/c it's really not safe as a girl), but it was really cool to help out another person in need. Matt helped change the tire while I talked with the kids. They were a sweet family and the dad seemed shocked that anybody would be willing to stop and help out. It was nice to put a smile on a stranger's face.