
Monday, May 10, 2010

House for sale

Having our house on the market...maybe not what we expected, but nothing to complain about. Now I've moved about a bazillion times, but this is the first time as an adult that I've been apart of the house selling process. Let's just say it's a little different.

First, our realtor recommended we have sweets and drinks available for our visitors to hopefully keep them in the house longer and give them time to fall even more in love with it. :) So, I made about 60 mini cupcakes (high hopes, huh?) and I think Matt and I ate 59 off them. Oh well...

The keeping the house clean hasn't been that difficult. I mean, we have a dog, so I feel like I vacuum about every 5 minutes. Dishes aren't a huge problem as cooking isn't happening too much. We are trying to eat up all the food that the movers will not move (aka - all of it!). So we've had some interesting assortment of meals. I think Matt's dinner last night consisted of nachos and cereal. I think it reminded him of his bachelor days. Yum.

We didn't have any lookers the first week, then, man, things picked up the past 5 days! Having strangers come into your house (sometimes with very short announcement) is kinda weird. There was once when we had freshly vacuumed and you could (so we did) trace their footsteps through the house. A little creepy, I admit. Then there's the time when our "guests" notified me about 5 minutes before arriving...and I had literally just gotten out of the shower. Dishes in the sink. Computer on the table. Dog in the backyard. Towel on my head. I think I burned some extra calories that morning as I got Mocha in my car and was pulling out just in time for them to arrive...only to get a call about 5 minutes later to go back and unlatch the lock on the front door because they couldn't get into the house...grr! Or the time that I sat out at our neighborhood park with Mocha in the scorching heat at 3 in the afternoon for the hour they were scheduled to be coming to the house, arrive back home drenched in sweat, only to have them show up 15 minutes after I returned...

But I will say that there are no complaints - we are thankful that we have lookers! It only takes one person to call this their new home. I hope it goes to someone who will take good care of it! Part of me is really going to miss our first house...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww, good luck with it!